I decided to create some sample table with different features. All the fields are the same, except in the primary key or indexes. In the next step, I inserted nearly a million records to them and check the fragmentation and storage size. After checking those values, I re-organize their existing indexes and compare to each other and results are as follow:
SQL Version 2008 Express Edition:
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 10.50.1600.1
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 3.85.1132
Microsoft MSXML 2.6 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18702
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.3603
Operating System 5.1.2600
Use TestDB
--Only Primary key
Create Table tblJobDetail_PK
(JobNo Varchar(10),
JobMonth SmallDateTime,
JobTransNo SmallInt,
TransSource Varchar(10),
SmallMoneyField SmallMoney,
CharField Char(20),
DateTimeField DateTime,
DateField Date,
FloatField Float,
IntField Int,
SmallIntField SmallInt,
VarcharField Varchar(300)
Constraint PK_tblJobDetail_PK Primary Key (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo)
--Only Clustered Index
Create Table tblJobDetail_IX
(JobNo Varchar(10),
JobMonth SmallDateTime,
JobTransNo SmallInt,
TransSource Varchar(10),
SmallMoneyField SmallMoney,
CharField Char(20),
DateTimeField DateTime,
DateField Date,
FloatField Float,
IntField Int,
SmallIntField SmallInt,
VarcharField Varchar(300) )
Create Clustered Index IX_tblJobDetail_IX On tblJobDetail_IX (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo ASC) With FillFactor = 80
--Only Non-Clustered Index
Create Table tblJobDetail_NIX
(JobNo Varchar(10),
JobMonth SmallDateTime,
JobTransNo SmallInt,
TransSource Varchar(10),
SmallMoneyField SmallMoney,
CharField Char(20),
DateTimeField DateTime,
DateField Date,
FloatField Float,
IntField Int,
SmallIntField SmallInt,
VarcharField Varchar(300)
Create NonClustered Index IX_tblJobDetail_NIX On tblJobDetail_NIX (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo ASC) With FillFactor = 80
--Only Unique Clustered Index
Create Table tblJobDetail_UIX
(JobNo Varchar(10),
JobMonth SmallDateTime,
JobTransNo SmallInt,
TransSource Varchar(10),
SmallMoneyField SmallMoney,
CharField Char(20),
DateTimeField DateTime,
DateField Date,
FloatField Float,
IntField Int,
SmallIntField SmallInt,
VarcharField Varchar(300) )
Create Unique Clustered Index IX_tblJobDetail_UIX On tblJobDetail_UIX (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo ASC) With FillFactor = 80
--Primary Key with Non-Clustered Index (Non-Clustered Index include Primary Key fields)
Create Table tblJobDetail_PKIX
(JobNo Varchar(10),
JobMonth SmallDateTime,
JobTransNo SmallInt,
TransSource Varchar(10),
SmallMoneyField SmallMoney,
CharField Char(20),
DateTimeField DateTime,
DateField Date,
FloatField Float,
IntField Int,
SmallIntField SmallInt,
VarcharField Varchar(300) Constraint PK_tblJobDetail_PKIX Primary Key (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo )
Create NonClustered Index IX_tblJobDetail_NPKIX On tblJobDetail_PKIX (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo, TransSource ASC)With FillFactor = 80
--Primary Key With Non-Clustered Index (Non-Clustered Index does not include any field from Primary Key)
Create Table tblJobDetail_NPKIX
(JobNo Varchar(10),
JobMonth SmallDateTime,
JobTransNo SmallInt,
TransSource Varchar(10),
SmallMoneyField SmallMoney,
CharField Char(20),
DateTimeField DateTime,
DateField Date,
FloatField Float,
IntField Int,
SmallIntField SmallInt,
VarcharField Varchar(300)
Constraint PK_tblJobDetail_NPKIX Primary Key (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo )
Create NonClustered Index IX_tblJobDetail_NPKIX1 On tblJobDetail_NPKIX (TransSource ASC)With FillFactor = 80
--NO Primary Key and NO Index as well
Create Table tblJobDetail_NOIX
(JobNo Varchar(10),
JobMonth SmallDateTime,
JobTransNo SmallInt,
TransSource Varchar(10),
SmallMoneyField SmallMoney,
CharField Char(20),
DateTimeField DateTime,
DateField Date,
FloatField Float,
IntField Int,
SmallIntField SmallInt,
VarcharField Varchar(300)
Declare @RowNo Int
Declare @JobNo Varchar(10)
Declare @JobMonth SmallDateTime
Declare @JobTransNo Int
Declare @TransSource Varchar(10)
Set @RowNo = 1
Set @JobNo = ''
Set @JobMonth = '07/01/2032'
Set @JobTransNo = 1
Set @TransSource = ''
While @RowNo <= 210000
While @JobTransNo <= 1000
Set @JobNo = Cast(DATEPART(Month, @JobMonth) As CHAR(2)) + Cast(DATEPART(Day, @JobMonth) As CHAR(2)) + Cast(DATEPART(Year, @JobMonth) As CHAR(4))
Set @TransSource = DATENAME(Month, @JobMonth)
Insert Into tblJobDetail_PK (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo, TransSource, SmallMoneyField, CharField, DateTimeField, DateField, FloatField, IntField, SmallIntField, VarcharField)
Select @JobNo, @JobMonth, @JobTransNo, @TransSource, @RowNo, @TransSource,
GETDATE(), CONVERT(Date, GetDate()), CONVERT(float, @RowNo), CONVERT(int, @RowNo), @JobTransNo, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
Insert Into tblJobDetail_IX (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo, TransSource, SmallMoneyField, CharField, DateTimeField, DateField, FloatField, IntField, SmallIntField, VarcharField)
Select @JobNo, @JobMonth, @JobTransNo, @TransSource, @RowNo, @TransSource,
GETDATE(), CONVERT(Date, GetDate()), CONVERT(float, @RowNo), CONVERT(int, @RowNo), @JobTransNo, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
Insert Into tblJobDetail_NIX (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo, TransSource, SmallMoneyField, CharField, DateTimeField, DateField, FloatField, IntField, SmallIntField, VarcharField)
Select @JobNo, @JobMonth, @JobTransNo, @TransSource, @RowNo, @TransSource,
GETDATE(), CONVERT(Date, GetDate()), CONVERT(float, @RowNo), CONVERT(int, @RowNo), @JobTransNo, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
Insert Into tblJobDetail_NPKIX (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo, TransSource, SmallMoneyField, CharField, DateTimeField, DateField, FloatField, IntField, SmallIntField, VarcharField)
Select @JobNo, @JobMonth, @JobTransNo, @TransSource, @RowNo, @TransSource,
GETDATE(), CONVERT(Date, GetDate()), CONVERT(float, @RowNo), CONVERT(int, @RowNo), @JobTransNo, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
Insert Into tblJobDetail_PKIX (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo, TransSource, SmallMoneyField, CharField, DateTimeField, DateField, FloatField, IntField, SmallIntField, VarcharField)
Select @JobNo, @JobMonth, @JobTransNo, @TransSource, @RowNo, @TransSource,
GETDATE(), CONVERT(Date, GetDate()), CONVERT(float, @RowNo), CONVERT(int, @RowNo), @JobTransNo, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
Insert Into tblJobDetail_UIX (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo, TransSource, SmallMoneyField, CharField, DateTimeField, DateField, FloatField, IntField, SmallIntField, VarcharField)
Select @JobNo, @JobMonth, @JobTransNo, @TransSource, @RowNo, @TransSource,
GETDATE(), CONVERT(Date, GetDate()), CONVERT(float, @RowNo), CONVERT(int, @RowNo), @JobTransNo, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
Insert Into tblJobDetail_NOIX (JobNo, JobMonth, JobTransNo, TransSource, SmallMoneyField, CharField, DateTimeField, DateField, FloatField, IntField, SmallIntField, VarcharField)
Select @JobNo, @JobMonth, @JobTransNo, @TransSource, @RowNo, @TransSource,
GETDATE(), CONVERT(Date, GetDate()), CONVERT(float, @RowNo), CONVERT(int, @RowNo), @JobTransNo, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
Set @JobTransNo = @JobTransNo + 1
Set @RowNo = @RowNo + 1
Set @JobTransNo = 1
Set @JobMonth = DATEADD(Month, -1, @JobMonth)
Run the routine five times and got 1,050,000 records.
After insert is being done in the table, the index space and data space for each table is as follow:
- tblJobDetail_PK
Before Re-Organizing IndexAfter Re-Organizing IndexVarianceRow Count 1,050,0001,050,000Index Space 0.953 MB0.953 MBData Space 155.711 MB147.008 MB8.703 MBPage Fullness 91.89 %96.78 %-4.89 %Total Fragmentation 16.23 %0.67 %15.56 %Average Row Size 138138Dept 33Leaf Level Rows 1,060,6001,056,5004,100Maximum Row Space 141141Minimum Row Space 135135Pages 19,93118,8171,114 - tblJobDetail_IX
Before Re-Organizing IndexAfter Re-Organizing IndexVarianceRow Count 1,050,0001,050,000Index Space 1.086 MB1.086 MBData Space 159.133 MB154.445 MB4.688 MBPage Fullness 93.16 %92.87 %0.29 %Total Fragmentation 15.95 %0.72 %15.23 %Average Row Size 140140Dept 33Leaf Level Rows 1,055,8001,020,70035,100Maximum Row Space 143143Minimum Row Space 137137Pages 20,36919,769600
- tblJobDetail_NIX
Before Re-Organizing IndexAfter Re-Organizing IndexVarianceRow Count 1,050,0001,050,000Index Space 48.758 MB40.109 MB8.649 MBData Space 148.063 MB148.063 MBPage Fullness 67.05 %81.66 %-14.61 %Total Fragmentation 51.03 %1.06 %49.97 %Average Row Size 3030Dept 33Leaf Level Rows 1,050,0001,050,000Maximum Row Space 3030Minimum Row Space 3030Pages 6,1895,0821,107
- tbl JobDetail_UIX
Before Re-Organizing IndexAfter Re-Organizing IndexVarianceRow Count 1,050,0001,050,000Index Space 1.063 MB1.063 MBData Space 155.711 MB152.391 MB3.32 MBPage Fullness 91.26 %93.37 %-2.11 %Total Fragmentation 16.31 %0.72 %15.59 %Average Row Size 138138Dept 33Leaf Level Rows 1,043,9001,051,900Maximum Row Space 141141Minimum Row Space 135135Pages 19,93119,506425
- tbl JobDetail_PKIX
Clustered Index | Before Re-Organizing Index | After Re-Organizing Index | Variance |
Row Count | 1,050,000 | 1,050,000 | |
Index Space | 47.680 MB | 47.680 MB | |
Data Space | 155.711 MB | 147.008 MB | 8.703 MB |
Page Fullness | 91.89 % | 96.78 % | -4.89 % |
Total Fragmentation | 16.22 % | 0.67 % | 15.55 % |
Average Row Size | 138 | 138 | |
Dept | 3 | 3 | |
Leaf Level Rows | 1,060,600 | 1,056,500 | 4,100 |
Maximum Row Space | 141 | 141 | |
Minimum Row Space | 135 | 135 | |
Pages | 19,931 | 18,817 | 1,114 |
Non-Clustered Index | Before Re-Organizing Index | After Re-Organizing Index | Variance |
Row Count | 1,050,000 | 1,050,000 | |
Index Space | 47.680 MB | 40.672 MB | 7.008 MB |
Data Space | 155.711 MB | 147.008 MB | 8.703 MB |
Page Fullness | 70.35 % | 82.89 % | -12.54 % |
Total Fragmentation | 53.23 % | 1.05 % | 52.18 % |
Average Row Size | 30 | 30 | |
Dept | 3 | 3 | |
Leaf Level Rows | 1,050,000 | 1,050,000 | |
Maximum Row Space | 33 | 33 | |
Minimum Row Space | 27 | 27 | |
Pages | 5,931 | 5,034 | 897 |
- tbl JobDetail_NPKIX
Clustered Index | Before Re-Organizing Index | After Re-Organizing Index | Variance |
Row Count | 1,050,000 | 1,050,000 | |
Index Space | 47.680 MB | 47.680 MB | |
Data Space | 155.711 MB | 147.008 MB | 8.703 MB |
Page Fullness | 91.89 % | 96.78 % | -4.89 % |
Total Fragmentation | 16.23 % | 0.67 % | 15.56 % |
Average Row Size | 138 | 138 | |
Dept | 3 | 3 | |
Leaf Level Rows | 1,054,900 | 1,050,800 | 4,100 |
Maximum Row Space | 141 | 141 | |
Minimum Row Space | 135 | 135 | |
Pages | 19,931 | 18,817 | 1,114 |
Non-Clustered Index | Before Re-Organizing Index | After Re-Organizing Index | Variance |
Row Count | 1,050,000 | 1,050,000 | |
Index Space | 47.680 MB | 40.883 MB | 6.797 MB |
Data Space | 155.711 MB | 147.008 MB | 8.703 MB |
Page Fullness | 70.35 % | 82.45 % | -12.1 % |
Total Fragmentation | 53.08 % | 0.97 % | 52.11 % |
Average Row Size | 30 | 30 | |
Dept | 3 | 3 | |
Leaf Level Rows | 1,050,000 | 1,050,000 | |
Maximum Row Space | 33 | 33 | |
Minimum Row Space | 27 | 27 | |
Pages | 5,931 | 5,061 | 870 |
- tblJobDetail_NOIX
Before Re-Organizing IndexRow Count 1,050,000Index Space 0 MBData Space 148.063 MBPage Fullness 0 %Total Fragmentation 0 %Average Row Size 0Dept 0Leaf Level Rows 0Maximum Row Space 0Minimum Row Space 0Pages 0
In the next step, I am trying to do an update on all tables on same column. Here are the results:
Update tblJobDetail_NIX Set DateField = CONVERT(Date, JobMonth)
Update tblJobDetail_NOIX Set DateField = CONVERT(Date, JobMonth)
Update tblJobDetail_NPKIX Set DateField = CONVERT(Date, JobMonth)
Update tblJobDetail_PK Set DateField = CONVERT(Date, JobMonth)
Update tblJobDetail_PKIX Set DateField = CONVERT(Date, JobMonth)
Update tblJobDetail_UIX Set DateField = CONVERT(Date, JobMonth)
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