Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Calendar Table

One of the useful user created tables that would benefit in most of the queries is Calendar table.
It is easy to populate the data in it one time only and used it as many as possible.
This is one of the most common questions that being asked in Microsoft Forums as I seen.
I am creating the Calendar table with following fields in it.

use DBTest
Create Table Calendar
(CalendarDate Date Primary key, IsWeekend Bit, YearNo SmallInt, QuarterNo TinyInt, MonthNo TinyInt, DayOfYearNo SmallInt, DayNo TinyInt, WeekNo TinyInt, WeekDayNo TinyInt)


I am assigning the permissions to this table.

Grant Select On Object::dbo.Calendar to Public
Grant Insert On Object::dbo.Calendar to Public
Grant Update On Object::dbo.Calendar to Public
Grant Delete On Object::dbo.Calendar to Public

Populate the data and insert it into Calendar table.

Declare @beginDate Date, @endDate Date
Select @beginDate = '01/01/1900', @endDate = '12/31/2030'

While @beginDate <= @endDate
    Insert Into dbo.Calendar (CalendarDate, IsWeekend, YearNo, QuarterNo, MonthNo, DayOfYearNo, DayNo, WeekNo, WeekDayNo)
        @beginDate As CalendarDate     
        ,(Case When DATEPART(Weekday, @beginDate) In (7, 1) Then 1 Else 0 End) As IsWeekend
        ,DATEPART(Year, @beginDate) As YearNo
        ,DATEPART(QUARTER, @beginDate) As QuarterNo
        ,DATEPART(MONTH, @beginDate) As MonthNo
        ,DATEPART(DayOfYear, @beginDate) As DayOfYearNo
        ,DATEPART(Day, @beginDate) As DayNo         
        ,DATEPART(Week, @beginDate) As WeekNo
        ,DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @beginDate) As WeekDayNo
    Set @beginDate = DateAdd(Day, 1, @beginDate)

Select CalendarDate, IsWeekend, YearNo, QuarterNo, MonthNo, DayOfYearNo, DayNo, WeekNo, WeekDayNo From dbo.Calendar

Sample of fetching data based on Year, Week Number And Week Day No and compare it simple select statement from Calendar table
Declare @myDate As Varchar(30)

Set @myDate = '2010-38-6' --(Year, WeekNo, WeekDayNo)

Declare @YearNo SmallInt, @WeekNo TinyInt, @DayNo TinyInt

Set @YearNo = Convert(SmallInt, Left(@myDate, 4))
Set @WeekNo = Convert(TinyInt, SubString(@myDate, PatIndex('%-%', @myDate) + 1, 2))
Set @DayNo = Convert(TinyInt, Right(@myDate, 1))

    DateAdd(WK, @WeekNo - 1,
    DateAdd(Year, @YearNo - 1900, 0)) - 6 + @DayNo
--Or Easiest way
Select CalendarDate, IsWeekend, YearNo, QuarterNo, MonthNo, DayOfYearNo, DayNo, WeekNo, WeekDayNo
From dbo.Calendar
Where YearNo = @YearNo And WeekNo = @WeekNo And WeekDayNo = @DayNo

Checking the performance
    DATEPART(Year, CalendarDate) = 2011
    And DATEPART(Month, CalendarDate) = 6
    CalendarDate >= DATEADD(Month, 12 * DatePart(Year, GetDate()) - 22801 + DatePart(Month, GetDate()), 0)
    And CalendarDate < DateAdd(Month, 1, DATEADD(Month, 12 * DatePart(Year, GetDate()) - 22801 + DatePart(Month, GetDate()), 0))
