Monday, June 20, 2011

Dropping Massive objects

For most of us could happen that we will be assign to a project or responsible for maintenance of database that has Tables, Views, or stored procedures which have been created as test or any other reason and we need to clean them up.

Here is a routine that will do the job based on Criteria. My sample is for Views but can be replaces for Stored Procedures or Tables.


Declare @RowNo Int, @RecordCount Int, @strSQL Varchar(Max), @ViewName Varchar(128), @SchemaName Varchar(128)


Declare @myViewInfo Table (ObjectId Int, ViewName Varchar(128), ViewParentId Int, SchemaId Int, SchemaName Varchar(128), RN Int)


Insert Into @myViewInfo


    sysView.object_id As ObjectId, As ViewName,

    sysView.parent_object_id As ViewParentId,

    sysView.schema_id As SchemaId, As SchemaName,

    Row_Number() Over(Order
By sysView.object_id) As RN


    sys.views As sysView

    Inner Join sys.schemas As SysSchem On sysView.schema_id = SysSchem.schema_id

Where = 'dbo'

    And Like '%Test'


Set @RecordCount = @@ROWCOUNT

Set @RowNo = 1


While @RowNo <= @RecordCount


    Select @SchemaName = SchemaName, @Viewname = ViewName From @myViewInfo Where RN = @RowNo

    Set @strSQL = 'Drop View ' + @SchemaName + '.' + @ViewName

    Execute (@strSQL)


    Set @RowNo = @RowNo + 1



Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Most of the time IDENTITY property in tables is being used when we do not have specific candidate for our primary key. After this some problems could rise and one of them is "What If I want to rearrange my field, how I am going to do that?"
There could be three different approach take care of this issue:
  1. Create a new table and transfer the table to new table. Next, rename the old table to another name. Finally, rename the new table to the old table's original name.
  2. Alter the table and drop existing IDENTITY column. Next, add a new column as IDENTITY.
  3. Update the current IDENTITY column with appropriate values.
Thus, I am not going to discuss on how to do the first two choices and will try to brainstorm my idea on the third choice.
First, I will create a table with two columns which one of them would be IDENTITY column.
Create Table testIdentity
    IdentityID Int Not Null Identity(1, 1)
    ,IdentityDescription Varchar(10)

Next, I will try to INSERT some records into the table.
Into dbo.testIdentity (IdentityDescription)
Values ('ABC')

And check the records that have been inserted.
Select * From dbo.testIdentity --9 records has been added

In the next step I will try to DELETE some records from my table.
    Delete From dbo.testIdentity Where IdentityID In (3, 6)
-- two sample records has been deleted

My process will start from here. So far, everything was very simple and fine.
I will transfer all my data in the table to a local table variable and DELETE all data from table, INSERT them back again with correct sequence number.
Set Identity_Insert dbo.testIdentity On

This will let to INSERT new values in the table with our desired ID.
In the next step,
Declare @myTempTable Table (RowNo Int, IdentityDescription Varchar(10))
-- Create a local variable table to transfer data
Insert Into @myTempTable
Select Row_Number() Over (Order by IdentityID) As RowNo, IdentityDescription From dbo.testIdentity

Delete From dbo.testIdentity --Delete all records from main table

So, I transfer all my data to local variable table and delete all of them from main table.
Insert Into dbo.testIdentity (IdentityId, IdentityDescription) --Insert from local table to main table
Select * From @myTempTable

I inserted all my data back into original table. So, next step would be to RESET the IDENTITY to the MAX of values.
Declare @RecordCount Int
Select @RecordCount = Max(RowNo) From @myTempTable
DBCC CheckIdent('dbo.testIdentity', Reseed, @RecordCount);

And turn off "Identity_Insert".
Set Identity_Insert dbo.testIdentity Off
Finally, for the test will try to INSERT and new record and see what would be my new ID.
Insert Into dbo.testIdentity (IdentityDescription) Values ('AB')


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Calendar Table

One of the useful user created tables that would benefit in most of the queries is Calendar table.
It is easy to populate the data in it one time only and used it as many as possible.
This is one of the most common questions that being asked in Microsoft Forums as I seen.
I am creating the Calendar table with following fields in it.

use DBTest
Create Table Calendar
(CalendarDate Date Primary key, IsWeekend Bit, YearNo SmallInt, QuarterNo TinyInt, MonthNo TinyInt, DayOfYearNo SmallInt, DayNo TinyInt, WeekNo TinyInt, WeekDayNo TinyInt)


I am assigning the permissions to this table.

Grant Select On Object::dbo.Calendar to Public
Grant Insert On Object::dbo.Calendar to Public
Grant Update On Object::dbo.Calendar to Public
Grant Delete On Object::dbo.Calendar to Public

Populate the data and insert it into Calendar table.

Declare @beginDate Date, @endDate Date
Select @beginDate = '01/01/1900', @endDate = '12/31/2030'

While @beginDate <= @endDate
    Insert Into dbo.Calendar (CalendarDate, IsWeekend, YearNo, QuarterNo, MonthNo, DayOfYearNo, DayNo, WeekNo, WeekDayNo)
        @beginDate As CalendarDate     
        ,(Case When DATEPART(Weekday, @beginDate) In (7, 1) Then 1 Else 0 End) As IsWeekend
        ,DATEPART(Year, @beginDate) As YearNo
        ,DATEPART(QUARTER, @beginDate) As QuarterNo
        ,DATEPART(MONTH, @beginDate) As MonthNo
        ,DATEPART(DayOfYear, @beginDate) As DayOfYearNo
        ,DATEPART(Day, @beginDate) As DayNo         
        ,DATEPART(Week, @beginDate) As WeekNo
        ,DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @beginDate) As WeekDayNo
    Set @beginDate = DateAdd(Day, 1, @beginDate)

Select CalendarDate, IsWeekend, YearNo, QuarterNo, MonthNo, DayOfYearNo, DayNo, WeekNo, WeekDayNo From dbo.Calendar

Sample of fetching data based on Year, Week Number And Week Day No and compare it simple select statement from Calendar table
Declare @myDate As Varchar(30)

Set @myDate = '2010-38-6' --(Year, WeekNo, WeekDayNo)

Declare @YearNo SmallInt, @WeekNo TinyInt, @DayNo TinyInt

Set @YearNo = Convert(SmallInt, Left(@myDate, 4))
Set @WeekNo = Convert(TinyInt, SubString(@myDate, PatIndex('%-%', @myDate) + 1, 2))
Set @DayNo = Convert(TinyInt, Right(@myDate, 1))

    DateAdd(WK, @WeekNo - 1,
    DateAdd(Year, @YearNo - 1900, 0)) - 6 + @DayNo
--Or Easiest way
Select CalendarDate, IsWeekend, YearNo, QuarterNo, MonthNo, DayOfYearNo, DayNo, WeekNo, WeekDayNo
From dbo.Calendar
Where YearNo = @YearNo And WeekNo = @WeekNo And WeekDayNo = @DayNo

Checking the performance
    DATEPART(Year, CalendarDate) = 2011
    And DATEPART(Month, CalendarDate) = 6
    CalendarDate >= DATEADD(Month, 12 * DatePart(Year, GetDate()) - 22801 + DatePart(Month, GetDate()), 0)
    And CalendarDate < DateAdd(Month, 1, DATEADD(Month, 12 * DatePart(Year, GetDate()) - 22801 + DatePart(Month, GetDate()), 0))


Monday, April 4, 2011

Change Data Capture and Track changes based on User

    One of tasks that a DBA has to do in the most of the companies is to answer the common question of "WHO CHANGED a TRSANACTION???". SQL Server 2008 R2 has new feature named CHANGE DATA CAPTURE (CDC).

This feature is only for track of changes that happening to a table, but it is NOT reporting the user who made the changes. So, in our company we thought about a workaround that will use all the features of CDC and will give us the user who made the changes.

 To accomplish this goal we are adding two fields in each table or any table that you would like to enable CDC on them. Those fields are "LastUpdatedBy" and "LastUpdatedDate". LastUpdatedBy will be user name and the other will track the date and time when a row has been changed. It could be an Insert, Update, or Delete transaction.

    In the first step, we will enable the CDC feature by using "sys.sp_cdc_enable_db". In the next step, I am using a cursor to enable CDC on all my tables. You can enable all tables and disable any CDC that does not need them by sp_cdc_disable_table. While I am enabling CDC on each table, I will add default to those columns as well.

    After you enable CDC on any table, you can find them under system tables. The naming on each table is as follow: cdc.[Schema Name]_[Table Name]_CT. So If you have table that it is under [dbo] schema and table name is [EmployeeInformation] you will see something like "cdc.dbo_EmployeeInformation_CT" under system tables. CDC will create same table structure for each table and will add 5 columns in front of the other columns.








Create Default LastUpdatedBy_Def As SUser_Name()

Create Default LastUpdatedDate_Def As GetDate()




Declare @tblObjectId Int, @tblName Varchar(128), @SchemaId Int, @SchemaName Varchar(128)

Declare @strSQL Varchar(2000)


Declare mySysCursor Cursor For


SysTbls.OBJECT_ID As tblObjectId

,( As tblName

,SysTbls.schema_id As SchemaId

,( As SchemaName


sys.tables As SysTbls

Inner Join Sys.schemas As SysSchem On SysTbls.schema_id = SysSchem.schema_id


SysTbls.type = 'U'

And SysTbls.SCHEMA_ID <> 12

And Not In ('sysdiagrams',

Order By




Open mySysCursor

Fetch Next From mySysCursor

Into @tblObjectId, @tblName, @SchemaId, @SchemaName






    Set @strSQL = 'Alter Table ' + @SchemaName + '.' + @tblName

    Set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' Add LastUpdatedBy Int Null'

    Exec (@strSQL)


    Set @strSQL = 'Alter Table ' + @SchemaName + '.' + @tblName

    Set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' Add LastUpdatedDate DateTime Null'

    Exec (@strSQL)


    Set @strSQL = 'Update ' + @SchemaName + '.' + @tblName

    Set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' Set '

    Set @strSQL = @strSQL +
' , LastUpdatedBy = (Case When IsNull(LastUpdatedBy, '-') = '-' Then '-' Else LastUpdatedBy End)'

    Set @strSQL = @strSQL +
' , LastUpdatedDate = (Case When IsNull(LastUpdatedDate, ''01/01/1900'') = ''01/01/1900'' Then ''01/01/1900'' Else LastUpdatedDate End)'

    Set @strSQL = @strSQL +
' Where LastUpdatedBy Is Null Or LastUpdatedDate Is Null '

    Exec (@strSQL)


    Set @strSQL = 'Alter Table ' + @SchemaName + '.' + @tblName

    Set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' Alter Column LastUpdatedBy Int Not Null'

    Exec (@strSQL)


    Set @strSQL = 'Alter Table ' + @SchemaName + '.' + @tblName

    Set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' Alter Column LastUpdatedDate DateTime Not Null'

    Exec (@strSQL)


    Set @strSQL = 'EXEC sp_bindefault ''LastUpdatedBy_Def'', ''' + @SchemaName + '.' + @tblName + '.LastUpdatedBy'''

    Exec (@strSQL)


    Set @strSQL = 'EXEC sp_bindefault ''LastUpdatedDate_Def'', ''' + @SchemaName + '.' + @tblName + '.LastUpdatedDate'''

    Exec (@strSQL)


    Set @strSQL = 'EXECUTE sys.sp_cdc_enable_table '

    Set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' @source_schema = N''' + @SchemaName + ''''

    Set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' ,@source_name = N'''
+ @tblName +

    Set @strSQL = @strSQL +
' ,@role_name = N''cdc_Admin''';

    Exec (@strSQL)


    Fetch Next From mySysCursor

    Into @tblObjectId, @tblName, @SchemaId, @SchemaName





Close mySysCursor

DeAllocate mySysCursor





    In the next step, I will create and Audit table that will hold all the CDC tables extracted information in a more user friendly way. I will extract any changes from CDC tables and store them in my Audit table. Advantage of storing CDC information in an Audit table is that, I can store this information in a different server or database and free my CDC space from current database.


 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Audit](

    [AuditID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [AuditDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [AuditType] [char](1) NOT NULL,

    [SchemaName] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [TableName] [varchar](128) NOT NULL,

    [PrimaryKeyFields] [varchar](512) NOT NULL,

    [PrimaryKeyValues] [varchar](max) NOT NULL,

    [FieldName] [varchar](128) NOT NULL,

    [OldValue] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [NewValue] [varchar](max) NULL,

    [UserName] [varchar](255) NOT NULL





    In the last step, I will collect all the information from CDC tables and populate those in my Audit table. CDC for each Insert and Delete is creating a single row, but for Update is creating two rows. The assign code for Delete is "1" and Insert is "2". In Update case as I mention there are two rows, one of them keeps Old Values (assign code is "3") and the other row is New Values with assign code of "4".

Every time this procedure is running it will catch all the changes that happened during the last 24 hours and store them in my Audit table. So, my job will not get millions of records each time is running and so not long time running job.




Declare @SchemaId Int, @SchemaName Varchar(128), @TableId Int, @TableName Varchar(128), @ColumnId Int, @ColumnName Varchar(128)

Declare @strSQL Varchar(4000), @CDCTableLoopNo SmallInt, @CountCDCTables SmallInt

Declare @CDCTableName Varchar(128), @CDCSchemaName Varchar(128), @CDCCaptureInstance Varchar(128)

Declare @PrimaryKeyFields Varchar(Max)


Set @CDCTableLoopNo = 0


Declare @CDCTables Table (CDCObjectId Int, TableObjectId Int, Capture_Instance Varchar(128), Role_Name Varchar(128), Index_Name Varchar(128), TableName Varchar(128), SchemaId Int, SchemaName Varchar(128), RN SmallInt)

Insert Into @CDCTables


    CDC_CT.Object_Id As CDCObjectId

    ,CDC_CT.Source_Object_Id As TableObjectId

    ,QuoteName(CDC_CT.Capture_Instance +'_CT') As Capture_Instance



    ,QuoteName( As TableName


    ,QuoteName( As SchemaName

    ,ROW_NUMBER() Over (Order By CDC_CT.Object_Id) As RN


    CDC.change_tables CDC_CT

    Inner Join Sys.tables As SysTbl On CDC_CT.Source_Object_Id = SysTbl.object_id

    Inner Join Sys.schemas As SysSchem On SysTbl.schema_id = SysSchem.schema_id


Set @CountCDCTables = @@ROWCOUNT


Declare @IndexColumns Table (TableObjectId Int, TableName Varchar(128), SchemaId Int, SchemaName Varchar(128), IndexId Int, ColumnId Int, ColumnName Varchar(128))

Insert Into @IndexColumns


    sysTbls.object_id As TableObjectId

    ,QuoteName( As TableName

    ,SysSchem.schema_id As SchemaId

    ,QuoteName( As SchemaName



    ,QuoteName( As ColumnName


    sys.tables As sysTbls

    Inner Join sys.schemas As SysSchem On sysTbls.schema_id = SysSchem.schema_id

    Inner Join sys.indexes As SysIndex On sysTbls.object_id = SysIndex.object_id

    Inner Join sys.index_columns As SysIndexCols On SysIndex.object_id = SysIndexCols.object_id And SysIndex.index_id = SysIndexCols.index_id

    Inner Join sys.columns As SysCols On SysIndexCols.column_id = SysCols.column_id And SysIndexCols.object_id = SysCols.object_id


    SysIndex.type = 1

    And SysSchem.schema_id <> 12

Order By




While @CDCTableLoopNo < @CountCDCTables



    Select @CDCTableName = '', @CDCSchemaName = '', @CDCCaptureInstance = '', @PrimaryKeyFields = ''

    Select @CDCTableName = TableName, @CDCSchemaName = SchemaName, @CDCCaptureInstance = Capture_Instance From @CDCTables Where RN = @CDCTableLoopNo + 1



     @PrimaryKeyFields = STUFF((Select ',' + SubQry.ColumnName From @IndexColumns As SubQry Where SubQry.TableObjectId = MainQry.TableObjectId And SubQry.SchemaId = MainQry.SchemaId For XML Path('')), 1, 1, '')


        @IndexColumns As MainQry


        MainQry.SchemaName = @CDCSchemaName

        And MainQry.TableName = @CDCTableName

    Group By





    If @PrimaryKeyFields = ''


        Set @PrimaryKeyFields = '''-'''



    Declare mySysCursor Cursor For


        SysSchem.schema_id As SchemaId

        ,QuoteName( As SchemaName

        ,SysTbls.object_id As TableId

        ,QuoteName( As TableName

        ,SysCols.column_id As ColumnId

        ,QuoteName( As ColumnName


        sys.schemas As SysSchem

        Inner Join sys.tables As SysTbls On SysSchem.schema_id = SysTbls.schema_id

        Inner Join Sys.columns As SysCols On SysTbls.object_id = SysCols.object_id


        QuoteName( = @CDCTableName

        And QuoteName( = @CDCSchemaName

        And Not In ('LastUpdatedBy', 'LastUpdatedDate')


    Open mySysCursor;     

Fetch Next From mySysCursor

    Into @SchemaId, @SchemaName, @TableId, @TableName, @ColumnId, @ColumnName


    While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


        Set @strSQL = '

        Insert Into Audit (AuditDate, AuditType, SchemaName, TableName, PrimaryKeyFields, PrimaryKeyValues, FieldName, OldValue, NewValue, UserName)


            Convert(DateTime, TimeMapping.tran_end_time, 101) As AuditDate

            ,(Case MAX(CDC_Tbl.__$operation) When 1 Then ' +'''D''' + ' When 2 Then ' + '''I''' + ' When 3 Then ' + '''U''' + ' When 4 Then ' + '''U''' + ' End) As AuditType

            ,('''+ @SchemaName + ''') As SchemaName

            ,(''' + @TableName + ''') As TableName


            If @PrimaryKeyFields = '''-'''


                Set @strSQL = @strSQL + '    ,''-'' As PrimaryKeyFields'

                Set @strSQL = @strSQL + '    ,''-'' As PrimaryKeyValues'




                Set @strSQL = @strSQL + '    ,''' + @PrimaryKeyFields + ''' As PrimaryKeyFields'

                Set @strSQL = @strSQL + ',(Select Stuff((Select Distinct '','' + Convert(Varchar(Max), SubQry.' + @PrimaryKeyFields + ') From cdc.' + @CDCCaptureInstance + ' As SubQry Where SubQry.__$start_lsn = CDC_Tbl.__$start_lsn And SubQry.__$seqval = DC_Tbl.__$seqval For XML Path('''')), 1, 1, '''')) As PrimaryKeyValues '


        Set @strSQL = @strSQL +


            ,('''+ @ColumnName + ''') As FieldName

            ,Max(Case CDC_Tbl.__$operation When 2 Then '''' When 3 Then Convert(Varchar(Max), '+ @ColumnName + ') When 4 Then '''' When 1 Then Convert(Varchar(Max), ' + @ColumnName + ') End) As OldValue

            ,Max(Case CDC_Tbl.__$operation When 2 Then Convert(Varchar(Max), '+ @ColumnName +') When 3 Then '''' When 4 Then Convert(Varchar(Max), '+ @ColumnName + ') When 1 Then '''' End) As NewValue             

            ,Max(Case CDC_Tbl.__$operation When 2 Then LastUpdatedBy When 3 Then ''-'' When 4 Then LastUpdatedBy When 1 Then LastUpdatedBy End) As UserName


            cdc.'+ @CDCCaptureInstance + ' As CDC_Tbl

            Left Outer Join cdc.lsn_time_mapping As TimeMapping On CDC_Tbl.__$start_lsn = TimeMapping.start_lsn


            TimeMapping.tran_end_time Between DATEADD(Day, -1, GetDate()) And DATEADD(Day, 0, GetDate())

        Group By

            Convert(DateTime, TimeMapping.tran_end_time, 101)




            If @PrimaryKeyFields <> '''-'''


             Set @strSQL = @strSQL + ',' + @PrimaryKeyFields + ''


            Set @strSQL = @strSQL +


            Max(Case CDC_Tbl.__$operation When 2 Then '''' When 3 Then Convert(Varchar(Max), '+ @ColumnName + ') When 4 Then '''' When 1 Then Convert(Varchar(Max), '+ @ColumnName +') End)

            <> Max(Case CDC_Tbl.__$operation When 2 Then Convert(Varchar(Max), '+ @ColumnName +') When 3 Then '''' When 4 Then Convert(Varchar(Max), '+ @ColumnName +') When 1 Then '''' End)

        Order By



        Exec (@strSQL)


        Fetch Next From mySysCursor

        Into @SchemaId, @SchemaName, @TableId, @TableName, @ColumnId, @ColumnName     



    Close mySysCursor

    DeAllocate mySysCursor


    Set @CDCTableLoopNo = @CDCTableLoopNo + 1     
